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Savant vs. Control 4 vs. Crestron Systems - Which is best?


Learn about each system and decide which will be best for your smart home installation in Beverly Hills, CA

Which brand of home automation system should I choose? This is a question that often comes up when we are talking to new clients and going over their options for their new home in Beverly Hills, CA. Everyone feels that there must be a clear winner in this debate, and usually, the main three that come up are a Savant, Control 4, or Crestron System. They typically feel that choosing the right control brand is the make or break decision that will determine whether they will enjoy their home technology. It actually isn’t. Let me tell you why. 




You can talk to 100 homeowners, and you will get rave reviews of each brand, and you may also get an equal amount of one-star reviews. How can the user experience vary so greatly? Keep in mind that perception is reality. A control system like Crestron, Savant, or Control 4 touches everything in the home - lighting, shades, video, audio, alarm, pool, locks, thermostats, etc. When a consumer taps a button on a remote, app, or touch panel to turn on a light, and that light does not turn on, it is immediately assumed that the control device is the cause of the problem. Well, sometimes it is the bulb, the fixture, the wire, the Wi-Fi, or some other reason that has nothing to do with the control system. Multiply this by every device you have on the control system. The failure is then reported to the installer, who then comes out and fixes the problem.

Sometimes a homeowner inquires about the actual problem and fix, but most are too busy and ask, "Did you fix it?". As these issues continue to occur with various devices around the house, the perception of "I have a lousy control system" sours the homeowner. It is unfair but a reality. So when I hear a one-star control system review, I take it with a grain of salt. I usually ask who the installer was first (the typical weak link), then I ask what kind of issues they were having. I usually determine that the installer was at fault or there some other brand or compatibility issues that were contributing to the system problems. It is a rare case where I can point to the brand and say that it was, in fact, a systemic issue with the control system. That being said, no control system is perfect. Just like any other technology product, control systems have their glitches. Your installer and programmer's job is to mitigate them as much as possible. Their talent is crucial.

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