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Bruckheimer Bel Air Circuit Theater by DSI Featured In Electronic House


Electronic House recently featured one of our recently completed theaters as their "Home of The Week". We created this theater, as part of the Bel Air Circuit, for Hollywood icon Jerry Bruckheimer. The theater features incredible art deco design by Thierry Despont and was part of a complete historical renovation of a classic Beverly Hills estate.


Featuring a Barco 4k D-Cinema Projector and Barco Auro 3-D Sound, this room is perhaps the most cutting edge screening room in a private residence today. The goal was to create an immersive audio experience worthy of an action-packed Bruckheimer production with crystal clear video. Audio duties were handled by JBL Synthesis audio gear and video by Barco, The room is fully equipped for the Bel Air Circuit so that films can be screened the day they are released in theaters.

Big thanks to many of our partners who worked together to make this top screening room a huge success - Barco, JBL Synthesis, Ryan Brown and Sam Cavitt of Paradise, Rick and Matt of Richard Holz Construction, Gideon Perry of Fantastic, and Beth Cowan of Beth Cowan Project Management.

Read the article by Lisa Montgomery here...

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Streaming vs. Owning Movies: Why Archiving Makes Sense


Streaming services have revolutionized the way we consume media. Viewers can sit back, scroll through countless titles, and find a movie worth watching or a TV show worth binging. It is pure simplicity and convenience, right?

Everything you want to watch is right there, whenever you want it.

Until, of course, it isn’t.

Despite the number of videos available on a variety of streaming services (and the number of services is growing every day), the truth is that most movies are not available most of the time.

The simple truth is that no one has unlimited space to continue hosting movies and shows that a comparatively few people will watch. And, on top of that, there are often strange and complex licensing agreements that could run out or be cancelled at any time.

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Make Your Home Stand Out with a Digital Art Installation


Modular video walls and other technologies can lend your home some spectacle

When you live as close to Hollywood as Beverly Hills, it’s hard to top the extravaganza we all see week in and week out at the movies. It’s true in many aspects of daily life, including the interior design of many homes. So, why not take a page from the Hollywood playbook and up the scale of what you hang on your walls?

Forget painting, sculptures or other decorative elements. When your guests enter your home and see a 75” long, 4K ultra HD TV with swirls of color and light splashed on it, it will definitely make an impression. This sense of grandeur is what a digital art installation offers, and in this blog, we’ll show you why DSI Luxury Technology is the company you want to hang a piece like this in your Beverly Hills home.

SEE ALSO: Everything You Need for the Ultimate Home Media Room


Let’s use Samsung’s MicroLED TV as an example of what you can do with a digital art installation. The MicroLED TV, sometimes referred to simply as “The Wall,” consists of an array of interlocking and interchangeable video panels. These panels have square edges, but you don’t need to use a square or rectangle for the basic shape of the display; in fact, you can move the panels into any configuration you like that has straight edges.

You could create a short display that stretches for several feet along the wall. Alternatively, you could create a thin array of panels that stretch from your floor to your ceiling. Changing shapes is a breeze, and all the screens can display content up to 4K UHD resolution in brilliant colors. Samsung has made it possible to bring the sensation of watching video on a massive screen in your home theater to any room or any wall of your home.

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How to Watch the Latest Hollywood Releases in your Home Theater


Wouldn't it be nice to watch the latest Hollywood blockbuster at home with friends instead of behind texting tweens? In the new post-COVID world, our desire to see the latest movies in our home is growing by leaps and bounds. Have you some serious cash into the best home theater system equipment like JBL Synthesis, Steinway Lyngdorf, Meyer Sound, or Wisdom Speakers? Well here is the low-down on how to avoid the theaters altogether but still be able to watch movies in your Los Angeles home the night they come out in theaters.


I build many theaters for a lot of Hollywood heavyweights who have the extreme luxury of getting brand new films delivered to their home on the day of the theatrical release. Want to watch the next Batman movie in your jammies instead of fighting the lines at Christmas? Well, my entertainment pro clients can do just that by becoming a member of the Bel Air Circuit. The Bel Air Circuit isn't an official organization but really a phrase for those that have studio connections and professional cinema gear in their home. The typical requirements of entry are that you register your theater as a professional cinema with the film labs / distributors like Technicolor or Deluxe, and that you are in the entertainment industry with enough clout to get studio heads to approve adding your name to the list. Not all members get all films... or all studios. Sometimes DC or Marvel titles are limited. Sometimes certain directors make their titles less available to the circuit. Those with juice get all the studios and all the titles.

The equipment you need is not made by Samsung, LG, Vizio, or any of the video brands you may already know. Companies like Christie, Barco, Dolby, and NEC specialize in the D-Cinema equipment you will need to be a part of the Bel Air Circuit. These are the same projectors that you would find at the Arclight or AMC. The picture and sound with this pro equipment can be extraordinary.


So what if you aren't a Hollywood hotshot? Well, the next best thing to the Bel Air Circuit is Red Carpet Home Cinema. This is a device that gives you access to new theater releases but in a very consumer friendly way. Think Apple TV on steroids. The uncompressed picture and sound blow away any content on any streaming service, bar none. New releases and phenomenal quality come at a price though. The hardware sells for $15,000 and the movies run $1,500+ per title. This may seem like a big price tag but our clients consider it the equivalent to a nice dinner and bottle of wine. It actually also might pencil out if you are taking a birthday party of 8 year olds to Despicable Me 5.

BeL AiR CineMA

Bel Air Cinema is a company that gives you the Bel Air Circuit experience without having to be a Hollywood hotshot. To get movies the day they are released in theaters, you simply need to join the club. The fees range for this service, but this is the most expensive option out there. The benefits to using this service is that Bel Air Cinema delivers content in the same way that studios deliver to the theaters. This means that you get the very best quality image and sound available. Note that you must have DCI-compliant hardware just like if you were in the Bel Air circuit (pro projector and sound equipment). This means a hardware investment somewhere around 100k+. So for those of you without Hollywood connections and a desire to have the best, Bel Air Cinema may be the best fit.

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