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How Can DSI Help You with Your LiteTouch Replacement?


If your home features the now-extinct LiteTouch lighting automation, DSI can help! 

LiteTouch lighting system owners are finding out the hard way that the company is out of business. They discover that they’re dealing with a defunct system only after they have problems with LiteTouch and find out that professionals can’t service any of the company’s previous offerings. We’re here to give you the information that you need so that you’re not left feeling unprepared, as well as a viable solution to this common issue.

If you’re looking for the bad news first, here it is: LiteTouch is not repairable and completely lacks customer support. However, DSI Luxury Technology has found an invaluable alternative that customers love in our Vantage lighting solutions. Keep reading to see what happened to LiteTouch and what our HTA-certified team can do for you to help below.


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So Long to LiteTouch

As one of the first lighting automation providers, LiteTouch paved the way for more complex integration. LiteTouch started customizing lighting control solutions since the late 1970s, when they engineered the very first solid-state lighting control system.

Though only a select few could afford LiteTouch systems in those days, the system allowed homeowners to operate several rooms’ lighting, and even outdoor lighting spaces, from a control pad. Fast-forward several decades, and we find a crowded automation market, where LiteTouch can no longer compete. In 2015, LiteTouch stopped selling their products.

Since LiteTouch worked as an all-in-one lighting platform, DSI can’t replace part of it and call the project complete. For example, you can’t just swap your old LiteTouch dimmer with a DIY solution you buy at a big-box store. You’ll need to enlist an experienced professional to reinstall the whole system. As a workaround, DSI has found a boon in Vantage lighting, which aligns well to the original wiring.

How Vantage Helps

Vantage comes to the rescue when refitting past LiteTouch homes. Their LiteTouch Retrofit Insert pack works to implement the new system - without new wires. LiteTouch systems were wired with a four-wire control type compatible with Vantage, so DSI will install the new system using the wiring configuration used during the original setup.

To suit LiteTouch fixtures, Vantage developed a configuration that supports up to 36 loads in three modules – which happens to be the right size for a LiteTouch enclosure. If you have several LiteTouch enclosures packed side-by-side on a wall, DSI Luxury Technology can easily pull out the LiteTouch modules and install the Vantage modules in their place.

Post-Installation Benefits

After the installation is complete, you’ll have a modernized, user-friendly solution that you can integrate into your whole-home automation ecosystem. Vantage pairs seamlessly with our partner, Savant, and their integrated home suite, allowing users to sync multiple home functions together — including lighting — to create pre-set scenes for nearly every occasion.

There’s no doubt that the industry has enhanced lighting technology since LiteTouch’s emergence; now, residents can experience impressive features like voice control and remote access. Another benefit? Homeowners hoping to sell their Los Angeles properties eventually will attract ideal buyers with an up-to-date, integrated lighting system, especially when it’s paired with an automation powerhouse like Savant.

Call DSI Today!

Frustrated with the now-useless LiteTouch system that you can’t fix or support? Let DSI Luxury Technology help! To learn more about our expert lighting control, don’t hesitate to call us today at (310) 432-2381. You can also click on the chat box in your browser or fill out our online contact sheet.

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